Kurt Cobain: February 20, 1967 - April 5, 1994

Kurt would have been 37 years old today. There has been a tremendous amount of coverage of the 10th anniversary of his passing including vigils held in Seattle.
Cobain wrote 'It's Better to burn out, than to fade away' from Neil Young's song 'My My, Hey Hey' lyrics in his suicide note and the mourning and grieving still continues.
Cobain's use of the lyrics had a profound impact on Young, who recorded portions of the 1994 'Sleeps With Angels' album in his memory. While there has been debate about whether Kurt Cobain or Neil Young is the "Godfather of Grunge", today it all seems to be a rather moot point.
From The Rock and Roll Report:
"You can toss all that "voice of a generation" crap out the window and summarize what Kurt Cobain did for rock and roll quite succinctly: he re-introduced both the guitar and attitude back into rock and roll while relegating the spandex and smoke bombs to the sideline and this is something rock and roll always needs once in awhile to keep its excessiveness in check.
The fact that he killed himself is a sad and tragic fact that will unfortunately always overshadow his contribution to rock and roll in the years to come as the way he died and not the music he created with the rest of the guys in Nirvana will be the lasting memory most people will have of Kurt Cobain. That is perhaps the saddest legacy of all.
If you really want to pay tribute to Kurt Cobain, don't bother with all the bullshit of why or how he died but listen to his music and those bands and musicians that influenced him. Then maybe try and pick up a guitar yourself and see what happens."
Well said Mark. Thanks.
Kurt is gone but not forgotten. So long live grunge!
Archived comments on Cobain's legacy.
well tomorrow is the 11th anniversary
may he rest in peace
Musically, Young and Cobain each had a unique style. I love the early N.Y. stuff like Cowgirl and Down by The River. The guitar work is solely innovative and raw and emotional and even though "Teen Spirit" was not as long as either of the two early Young hits, the style and guitar work were unique for the time. Teen Spirit is likewise raw and moving as was all of Kurt's stuff. Genius as was Youngs. The real bond was to produce an art form without thinking of what you were going to get paid. At least that is what I believe. More power to artists who remain true to their roots. I believe God holds a special place for those who don't feint from "Telling it like it is."
Kurt Cobain didn't quote Neil Young he quoted Quen
when he wrote on his sucide note "its better to burn out than to fade away"
from Gimme the Prize, Queens. Inwhich Brian May wrote that song in 1985. Kurt was a big fan of Queen...
kurt cobain gave a flame to my soul in dark times. i will foreva carry his words and wisdom with me.
Rest In Peace, Kurt! I miss you!
RIP Kurt Cobain; you are truly missed.
I don't think the question is between Young or Cobain as the Godfather of Grunge...Young is the Godfather and Cobain is the posterboy. That's all, RIP
And by the way, My my, Hey hey is from 1977, eight years before that Queen lyric.
these two had both suffered considerable tradgedy. they both hated the cynical music industry and they both made some of the biggest marks on the music industry. Forget your goddamn AC/DC and Led Zepplin, and keep your "Hey there delilah" and "Beast and the Harlot"!This music is the closest we'll ever get to emotion in physical form.
And as for david grohl? you watch your freind kill himself, and then pick up the pieces and become mainstream? He's like Judas!
I just don't know about awarding a "Godfather of Grunge" title to either of these genius's. Grunge has always been perceived as a title for Gen X (whatever that means) and a moniker for a lost generation with supposedly no purpose or future but both Kurt and Neil dispel this theory completely with their prolific songwriting and careers that outgrew it. If grunge has a grandfather he wouldn't own up to it neither would he care. Maybe it was Layne Staley (R.I.P)? I'm just eternally grateful that one of the two has lived to be an old man. Grunge is behind us, and Kurt is still remembered as an incredible songwriter in both rock and folk and Neil Young just continues to shine.
Handasyd Williams.
Kurt and Neils music inspired me to do so much, I never had the joy of hearing Nirvana when they first came out, as I was barely even a year old, and sadly I never heard their music til by chance 8 years after his death. Since then I've been hooked. Neil Young I think is so much like Kurt music wise, he challenged the status quo of the time.
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